At our Conference in November 2010, research was presented which clearly demonstrated how viewing pornography leads to an acceptance of violent and unhealthy notions of sex and relationships, where the objectification of women and aggressive sexual behaviour are the norm.
That is why Safermedia strongly supports Claire Perry MP’s initiative, for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to switch the default setting for internet pornography into our homes to ‘off’, and implement an ‘opt-in’ system, meaning that pornographic content would be blocked by default on a domestic internet connection unless the bill-payer has chosen to allow it. There has been growing demand for a system which would provide a more effective means of monitoring and controlling what comes into the home, especially to help parents protect children.
On the 7th February 2011, Ed Vaizey MP, the Minister for Culture met with the major British ISPs to discuss the potential of this suggestion. Mr Vaizey went to this meeting on the 7th February with over 1,000 emails of support, the first stage of Safermedia’s campaign. Following a good discussion, the ISPs are now looking at the technical side of implementation and the next meeting with Culture Minister, Ed Vaizey MP, is today on the 18th May 2011.As part of this campaign, on May 16th 2011 Safermedia travelled to central London and built a 10ft structure with coloured blocks outside the BT headquarters calling on ISPs to 'BLOCK PORN' at the source.
See the picture below featured online on the Telegraph's 'Picture of the Day - May 17th', for an image of this demonstration. Safermedia will keep you updated with the progress of our current campaign.